Learn More about itRecovering Your Saved Passwords from your System using WifrestiWifresti tool is used to recover the saved wifi passwords in your system,This tool is written in Python supports For Windows, Linux and MacOsNow Lets See How we can see the wifi passwords strored in our system.Firstly Install Wifresti toolOpen Terminal and typesudo suthen typegit clone & cp. So you have learnt how to hack into wifi.Now let's seeHow Wi-Fi Password Cracked by Using Cowpatty ToolBefore we start hacking wifi password with Cowpatty Tool, let's see an overview of it. And know how this tool helps an attackerOverview Of Cowpatty ToolCowpatty tool allows attackers to take advantage of WPA, WPA2 Network to do a dictionary based attack against the wireless network by breaking the Pre shared Key algorithmIn this senerio the attacker can intercept the traffic packets between two hosts.Firstly open terminal and typeCowpatty -hYou will see a detailed overview of the tool.

Wifresti/wifresti.py /usr/bin/wifresti & chmod +x usr/bin/wiftestithen run Wifresti by typingsudo wifrestiNow Select your OS.